The Museum of the Jewish Community of Trieste

The most precious ritual objects representing the cultural propertiy of the Jewish community had been hidden in a secret room inside the synagogue. These included an Atarah (the silver crown which adorns the Torah scroll) and a Tass (the Torah breastplate which features the name of a holiday, indicating which scroll is used for the portion of the Torah to be read).


TS_Museum_Tass  TS_Atarah
Venetian art, Tass, silver, 1593
Trieste, Museo della Comunità ebraica di Trieste Carlo e Vera Wagner
© Elio Ciol
Sansone Schiff, Atarah, silver, 1856
Trieste, Museo della Comunità ebraica di Trieste Carlo e Vera Wagner
© Elio Ciol

These objects are now part of the Carlo and Vera Wagner Museum of the Jewish community of Trieste opened in 1993 and completely overhauled in 2014-2015 in the same seat that had hosted the Ashkenazi oratory and DELASEM. The museum illustrates both the history of the Jewish community of Trieste and the memory of the Holocaust, including the vicissitudes of the synagogue itself.